In 2016, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded the Healthy Start Study with the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes, or the ECHO grant. ECHO has been awarded to multiple sites that have been conducting longitudinal research on mom and child pair cohorts. 

Why is this important?

This grant allows staff to continue follow-up with Healthy Start moms and children starting at 8 years of age. With help from institutions such as the NIH, investigators are able to continue vital longitudinal research. 

ECHO’s Mission

The goal of ECHO is to understand how genetic factors and environmental exposures during pregnancy and early childhood affect the health and development of children later in their lives.

We’re actively scheduling research visits now!

Our cohort started conducting ECHO research visits in August 2019. We have conducted 70+ visits so far and are actively scheduling more.

For more information about the ECHO study, please see

For more information on results from ECHO, visit